

A maintain or means of holding, particularly with the hand. of their places of work and the quantity and payment of their salaries.

tenure synonym

The definition of reign is the time interval of a ruling influence, or a prevalence. (n.) Manner of holding, normally; as, in absolute governments, males hold their rights by a precarious tenure. (n.) The act or right of holding, as property, particularly actual estate. (n.) The method of holding lands and tenements of a superior. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing hundreds of thousands of various slang terms that are outlined on websites like Urban Dictionary.

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There are clearly specific indicators for many words out there in sign language which might be extra acceptable for day by day utilization. It’s deep-worth in the sense that all the businesses within the portfolio have an incredible tenure. A word or phrase, particularly one from a specialised area of information.

  • Here’s an inventory of similar phrases from our thesaurus that you should use instead.
  • These indexes are then used to seek out usage correlations between slang terms.
  • You can create your individual lists to words primarily based on topics.
  • A standing of having a permanent post with enhanced job security within an educational establishment.
  • of their offices and the amount and fee of their salaries.

A right to hold land beneath the feudal system. A status of having a permanent publish with enhanced job security within a tutorial institution. status granted to an worker, normally after a probationary period, indicating that the place or employment is permanent. She is in search of an order for `sole use and occupation’ of the home.

Synonyms For Land Tenure

Tenure meaning in Urdu is میعاد عہدہ and Tenure word meaning in roman can write as Mayad e ahuda. There are a number of meanings of the Tenure word and it can be utilized in different conditions with a combination of different phrases as properly. Tenure meaning can be available in other languages in addition to you may also verify the spelling of word Tenure. With the assistance of this platform, be taught the suitable use of the Tenure in a sentence. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you largely associated slang phrases, somewhat than actual synonyms. The larger the terms are within the listing, the extra likely that they’re relevant to the word or phrase that you looked for.

These indexes are then used to seek out usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus just isn’t in any method affiliated with Urban Dictionary. Urban Thesaurus finds slang phrases which are associated to your search query. Tenure is a class of academic appointment existing in some countries. A tenured publish is an indefinite educational appointment that can be terminated just for trigger or underneath extraordinary circumstances, corresponding to monetary exigency or program discontinuation.

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